In a heart-warming gesture that shows the compassion and care, Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon has reportedly donated his entire wealth to charities. The vegan was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and as a way of leaving a positive imprint on the world, he is giving back.
Simon received a terminal colon cancer diagnosis reported The Hollywood Reporter.
After the prognosis, he announced via podcast that he would be donating the majority of his fortune to charity. Simon is most likely best known for his work with Matt Groening in creating The Simpsons, but his CV also includes extensive collaborations with animal-rights organizations such as the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and his own California-based Sam Simon Foundation, serving vegan meals to hungry people and dogs, reported.
In an interview with THR, Simon explains that the change he would most like to see in the world is for animal testing to cease. “Veganism is an answer for almost every problem facing the world,” he told THR.
The world will sorely miss a brave and enlightening soul like Simon, who has shown the compassionate side of vegans once again.